Pam Guio's Last Day at Kirk School

Pam Guio's Last Day at Kirk School

A remarkable woman and an amazing career. Pam Guio, your time at NSSEO will always be cherished. Your heart, wisdom, thoughtfulness, caring soul, and professional guidance will always carry on through the halls of Kirk School.

We will all miss you and hope to see you around. We hope you enjoy your retirement as much as you enjoyed your farewell drumline!

Brian Weems, Principal at Kirk School beautifully worded his goodbye to Pam at our board meeting so we share some parts of  it here with you. 

“Pam Guio has worked for NSSEO since she graduated from ISU in 1989.  Pam a few years ago had told me that her Mother had clipped an ad out of the newspaper and shared it with Pam and told her to apply.  So thank you Ms. Powell for clipping that ad and telling Pam to apply.  Without you, I and many others would never have had the fortune of working and learning so much from Pam. I am so fortunate to have had the last 9 years working together.

I would like to share a quote from the book The Energy Bus, ‘The best legacy you can leave; is a world that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your positive actions.’  

The legacy that Pam is leaving at NSSEO is one that cannot be measured.  She has truly supported every NSSEO program and member district in her roles across NSSEO.  From starting her career teaching at Kirk, supporting 214 and other member districts with supported education programing, then Miner, DHH, and Timber Ridge with innovative learning and finally supporting Kirk through a challenge transition through Covid as an Assistant Principal.  

Pam’s expertise and passion to give every student a voice and core belief that truly every student can learn drives her and those around her to make big impacts now; and will continue long into the future.  Pam has presented at national conferences and brought in innovation to our programs at NSSEO.

Staff and students at Kirk will miss seeing her daily. In a short minute long conversation, staff members and I have learned more to impact our learners than some of us have in full collegiate courses aligned to those topics.”

Congratulations again Pam, it was a pleasure. Enjoy the travels!