Parent Advisory Committee

The NSSEO Parent Advisory Committee began in April 2009.  The committee is comprised of parents from each of NSSEO’s member districts (D21, D23, D25, D26, D57, D59, D211, D214) who have students at Kirk School, Miner School and students who receive services and supports from NSSEO in their home school.  Parents are nominated for the committee by their child’s Principal.  Participation is based on a willingness to advise and provide input to NSSEO administration on matters specific to communication, organizational structure and goals, and legislation, as well as to serve as ambassadors to the larger NSSEO parent community.  Advisory committee members serve on behalf of all NSSEO students and programs.

If you are interested in learning more about this committee please contact, Molly Dunne at 847-463-8116.

The PAC meets at least 3 times a year at the NSSEO Administration Office, 799 West Kensington Road, Mount Prospect, IL 60056-1111

Committee members:

Barbara Tobias

Beth Anne Ausenhemer

Christopher Garnaat

Christine Kissamis

Jennifer Durkin

Daniela Garnaat

David Yousif

Ember Burke

Katya Bukowski

Kelley O’Malley-Sherkey

Linda Hall

Lisa Smiley

Mary Ellsworth

Maria Bellantuono

Nan Naranjo

Stephanie Matthias

Susana Delgadillo

Vince Scaletta

Meg Schnoor, Ed.D., Superintendent

Molly Dunne, Director of Professional Learning & Coaching