Health Services

The Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization (NSSEO) is a special education cooperative which services six elementary and two high school districts in the northwest area of Cook County.

The purpose of this Student Health and Safety Information Handbook is to provide information regarding the school health services that are designed to support the special education placement by helping the student maintain an appropriate state of health and well-being as determined for each individual student.

School health services are based on the Illinois School Code the Illinois Administrative Code, and board policies of the school districts and special education cooperative.

It is not the intent or the desire of NSSEO to relieve parents/guardians of their responsibilities for the health and well-being of their children.  School health services supplement, rather than substitute for, parental care and concern for the health of the child.  Parents/guardians are advised of health problems, advised to secure needed medical and dental care, provided information about health evaluations conducted by the school, and made aware of the community resources available to them.  The achievement and maintenance of good health can be seen as a joint responsibility of the home, the school and the community.


Kirk School | 847-485-2600
Sue Herbst | | 847-485-2610
Fax | 847-485-2268

Miner School | 847-463-8400
Joy Borkowski | | 847-463-8451
Fax | 847-463-8415

Timber Ridge School | 847-463-8300
Gerianne Fabbri | | 847-463-8309
Fax | 847-818-8923