Office of the Superintendent

Dr. Meg Schnoor
2024-2025 Superintendent’s Message
Dear NSSEO Family,
We are thrilled to announce that a top priority for NSSEO this school year will be gathering input from all stakeholders to develop a Strategic Plan-a plan that will guide our efforts in providing the very best for students for the next several years.
NSSEO has long been an educational leader committed to continuous improvement to ensure our students receive the highest quality education. To chart our course for the future, developing a new Strategic Plan is among our top priorities for the 24-25 school year. We anticipate that we will be presenting our finished plan in late winter/early spring of 2025.
Our Strategic Planning process relies heavily on input from our stakeholders, including teachers, staff, administrators, students, parents, and community members. It will result in a shared vision for our ideal future and priorities for the next several years. The comprehensive process will take approximately six months. It will include data gathering and analysis, using the data to develop mission, vision, values, and priorities, and the development of strategies and measures of progress.
As we work to continue to improve communication, please know that we will continue to send monthly newsletters from our schools/programs, as well as a monthly newsletter from my office, to ensure that you are aware of all of the amazing opportunities we offer. We would love to see you at our events.
Through our communications, you will see that our theme for this school year is, in the spirit of the Olympic Games, “Light the Torch, Every Day!” The Olympic Torch Relay symbolizes the passing of goodwill from one country to another, as well as continuity between the ancient and modern Olympic games. Like the tradition of the Olympic Games, we will be working to spread light, knowledge, and most importantly, goodwill and kindness to our students, their families, and staff members. And like the torch symbolizes bringing the past forward to the present, we will continue to stoke and honor the NSSEO flame of the past, as we work together to build the future of our organization with our Strategic Plan efforts.
Looking forward to a wonderful 24-25 school year!
Dr. Meg Schnoor