Core Vocabulary
Core Vocabulary:
- The high-frequency words that are used across all settings.
- Core vocabulary is made up of approximately 80% of everyday communication, regardless of age.
- Core vocabulary allows for the most flexibility across multiple situations, environments, and topics.
- Core words are typically found on the home page of your AAC board, book and device for easy access.
NSSEO's Core Vocabulary & AAC Flyer
Saltillo's (e.g. TouchChat) Parent Handout on Core Vocabulary
AssistiveWare (e.g. Proloquo) Parent Handout on Core Vocabulary

NSSEO's Symbolstix Core Board

Member Districts Core Vocabulary Board
AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom
AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom
AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom - Resources for implementing core word AAC
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The Core Word Modeling Guides, provide the team with suggestions for modeling core words that match the language levels of students.
Core Words at Home are one page, quick reference sheets to give parents ideas on how to model core words during common activities at home
Core Word Planners support the educational team to plan lessons with core words in mind, then model core words during specific class times or activities. They are accompanied by Core Word Modeling Guides, which provide the team with suggestions for modeling core words that match the language levels of students.
Core Word of the Week Planners support the team to find ways to model a set of core words throughout the day, across all activities. Core Word of the Week Displays are printable, easy-to-read posters that can be displayed prominently in the classroom and around the school, to help everyone to remember to model the core word of the week.
Core Word 5 Minute Fillers are one page, quick reference sheets to help you make the most of every opportunity and model core words on the fly.

Satillo Core Word Activities
Tobii Dynavox Pathways for Core First
The Pathways content and core word lessons can be used with any AAC system! Free to download on the iPad or on a Windows device.
PRC Implementation Activities
Learning to model on an AAC device can feel overwhelming sometimes. Each month we will post ideas for different activities AND what you could say during the activity. The activities suggested will often be everyday toys and activities all children love.
Project Core
The Project Core implementation model is aimed at helping teachers provide students with significant cognitive disabilities and complex communication needs with access to a flexible Universal Core vocabulary and evidence-based instruction to teach them to use core vocabulary via personal augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems.
The model is designed for students with significant disabilities who do not yet use speech, signs or symbols to communicate in flexible ways. This includes students who rely on early forms of communication such as facial expressions, vocalizations and body movements, as well as students who are beginning to use symbols, signs, or words but cannot yet put them together.
No prior training or experience with AAC is necessary to get started, but a fundamental belief and classroom culture that recognizes that all students can learn to communicate in increasingly complex ways is required.